
How to Make Your Website Using GitHub in 9 Easy Steps

Step 1: Get Started with GitHub Creating Your GitHub Account First things first! To get started, you need a GitHub account. Head over to GitHub’s website and sign up. It’s super straightforward. You just need an email, a password, and a username. Don’t overthink the username; it can be your name or a fun nickname!


How to Make Money with Your Website in 6 Steps

Step 1: Choose the Right Niche Finding Your Passion The first thing I learned when starting my website is the importance of choosing a niche that I’m genuinely excited about. It’s way easier to create content and stay motivated when you love what you’re writing about. Think about what you are passionate about, and consider


How to Make Your Website Secure in 9 Steps

1. Use HTTPS Protocol Understanding HTTPS First off, let me tell you—using HTTPS is a must! When I started diving into website security, I learned that HTTPS encrypts information sent between the user and website. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks where someone might snag sensitive data. It’s super important for eCommerce sites, but honestly, every website

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